As the Chief Marketing Officer, Head of Design, and co-founder of Uniquely DAT (formally DAT Promotional Marketing), I hold the responsibility of heading, managing, and creating all design assets for internal and external branding, client work, and digital media assets. Below is a collective collection of some of the work I have done in my role at my company. 
Old logo (2021)
Old logo (2021)
Old Logo (2021)
Old Logo (2021)
New / Rebranded logo
New / Rebranded logo
The purpose of a company's logo is to give a unique, high impact, eye-catching, and unforgettable visual of your company name, as well as the products/ services they provide. The logo design should both promote your business, and build brand identity. Why is a logo important to establish for every business? Because it grabs attention, makes a strong first impression, is the foundation of your brand, separates you from competition, fosters brand loyalty, and is expected by your audience. Logos can be used EVERYWHERE in a business' branding, marketing, advertising, and promotion, so having the right one that speaks to your company's identity is essential. These are some logos I have designed as our Head of Design.
The world-wide-web has a far more extensive reach than any other form of advertising and communication in today's society. Websites can be used to accomplish many different strategies to help your business grow. Whether the purpose of your website is to promote an online shop, provide business information, promote a portfolio, educate the public, or even attract donors to non-profit causes, your website will be the center of your company's online existence. Having a website allows you to market your business to a wide range of online users, and direct them to a place to learn more about your products/ services/ cause/ message. Below are some websites I have designed I have designed as our Head of Design.
The world-wide web has a far more extensive reach than any other form of advertising and communication in today's society. By living in an increasingly digital world, it is vital to have digital assets and materials for any business marketing endeavors. Having digital marketing materials and advertisements will help make your business stand out in that 35% of searches in addition to any print materials or ads you may have. These are some of the digital assets I have created as the Head of Design.
Printed marketing materials are physical reminders for prospective customers that your company exists. When your customer gets a printed advertisement, business card, or brochure from you, they experience a physical exposure to your company, which is a vital layer of customer exposure. Even though we live in an increasingly digital world, print media is still a significantly important part of the marketing mix. Investing in printed media can help businesses extend their reach to clients and customers, gain exposure, and engage the intended audiences with campaigns. "Print media continues to cater to important consumer needs in the marketing and advertising realm, such as increased time spent and attention given to materials, increased quality in absorption of information, satisfaction of desired tangible interactions with materials, and consistent loyalty/ preference to traditional media." (International Journal of Communication, 2015). These are various print materials I have designed I have designed for businesses as our Head of Design.
Our company was born to help people and businesses put their best foot forward in out ever-evolving world when it comes to events and social gatherings. Our goal is to help make your day stand out from start to finish. Uniquely DAT has entered the wedding sphere in 2022 offering all wedding promotion needs so we can bring out the YOU factor- stationary, wedding favors, bachelor/ bachelorette gifts, bridal shower favors, and more! We also cater to other big events such as birthdays, graduations, fundraisers, retirement parties, any important milestone you want to celebrate. These are some event-related pieces I have created as our Head of Design.
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