Implementation Coordinator
October 2019-Present
Description: While in my role as an Implementation Coordinator, my design work did not cease. I design and delivers General Information Posters (GIPs) to on-boarding long-term care facilities and their affiliated PharMerica pharmacy, produce and distribute monthly departmental newsletter (discontinued in 2021), update existing internal and client facing materials for the Implementation and Client Service Departments, assist in planning and production of Client Service meetings and conferences (regional and national level), design various types of materials for Client Service meetings and conferences (regional and national level), manage scanner requests and sends out requested scanners to facilities, and provide management and support in large scale initiatives/ projects in the Implementation and Client Service Departments.

November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter Email Graphic
When I started back at the Implementation department, I was tasked by the director and vice president of customer service to write a monthly newsletter to promote excitement in the department by showcasing company updates, holidays, work anniversaries, department birthdays, etc. Thus, Implementation's Insight was born. Every month, I design this newsletter, write all of the content for it (with the exception of the "Letter from the Director"), and seek approval from the appropriate channels to send this out internally. The first two images are one of the editions of the newsletter, and the image on the right is the image that is emailed out to Implementation employees that links to the newsletter.

Mock Up of New Business Care Package

New Business Care Package

New Business Care Package

New Business Care Package

New Business Care Package
The vice president of Client Service at the time, David Coronato, had an idea about having a "welcome kit" or a "care package" that is sent to new customers of PharMerica that is sent to them prior to their onboarding. The idea was that it would contain the essential paperwork for them to fill out to being the transition, and some fun goodies such as lip balms, mints, notebooks, color changing stadium cups, lanyards, and more. Because I had just recently transitioned to my Implementation Coordinator role, and the marketing department was looking for my replacement, I was allowed to go ahead and design this kit, and pick out the items that went inside according to the allocated budget. This is the final result!

These are some examples of some logos I designed for the Customer Service/ Client Service department. The first logo was created for the VP to promote unity of creating systems in his department, and praising high level performance through following three key steps: simplify, measure, and standardize. The second logo is for the 2019 "We Are" Medical Records Conference, showcasing that each individual person brings a talent and skillset to the table to allow the company to grow and be beautiful, just like the leaves and branches on a tree. These two logos are meant to look pretty simplistic and basic, as that was the request of the VP who wanted them designed. The third logo was created for the 2020 Nurse Consultant Conference with the theme "Past, Present, and Future: Tell Your T.A.L.E." The last log was created for a conference that was canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic that was meant for the Implementation Department themed "Implementation In the Wild".

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Cover

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Back

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Table of Contents

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Table of Contents

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Conference Session Note Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Conference Session Note Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Conference Session Note Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Conference Session Note Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Recognition Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Recognition Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Advertisements Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Advertisements Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Advertisements Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Advertisements Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Autograph Page

Tell Your T.A.L.E. Yearbook Autograph Page
For the 2020 Nurse Consultant Conference, a conference was held in Washington D.C with the theme "Past, Present, Future: Tell Your T.A.L.E." The idea behind the conference is to reflect on the company's past, the actions of the present, and what our future will hold now that PharMerica has merged with BrightSpring Health Services. The focus also was on each individual and their contribution to the department through their gifts, skills, talents, and abilities. Every person's experience is different, and that should be celebrated. The vice president and I had the idea to use a yearbook as the conference booklet to take notes in, since yearbooks are meant to reflect on the past and build hope and excitement for what is to come. This yearbook featured fun spreads such as"class pictures" of each nurse in the department and conference leaders, autograph pages, yearbook ads (which we used to nurses on PharMerica offerings, and promote them), as well as other interactive pages. I designed the whole book and was in charge of getting them printed and published. You may notice that some of the spreads have gray boxes; these boxes are placed so that each person can fill with their own pictures (a photo printer was provided for attendees to use) or as more space for notes, making each book at the end of the day unique and special. These are just a few of the spreads from that yearbook that I created.

These were the name tags that were created for the 2020 Nurse Consultant Conference "Past, Present, Future: Tell Your T.A.L.E." The left was for leaders and presenters, and the right was for attendees.

These two images are a flyer and letter that was sent out to PharMerica and ValueMed customers as part of a campaign to promote thankfulness and care for who PharMerica/ ValueMed serves- the facilities, the staff who work there, and the patients and residents who are impacted by them. This flyer is to promote safe practices and awareness to prevent falls in a senior oriented space that facilities can hang in their buildings, and the letter was signed and sent by the VP of Client Service in 2019. I designed and formatted both of these pieces for this generous campaign.