This page serves the purpose of further demonstrating my design skills. The page displays some projects I created during my time at Bellarmine University as an undergraduate student, along with descriptions of the assignments below the images to give clarity and context to each image/ set of images. These projects range from my freshman year to my senior year, and vary in medium and subject matter.
As a graduation requirement, students are required to complete capstone projects, projects that are created in the course of a semester that incorporate elements, lessons, techniques from the course of the student's four years of college, for their major/s. For my Design Art Technology capstone project, I decided to create a website using Adobe XD incorporating UX and UI design techniques, and other design and technical elements that I learned through college. The website, Elder Enlightenment, is a free and easy to use resource for caregivers who are taking care of loved ones angled toward adults/ the children, and youth/ the grandchildren. As someone who had to be a caregiver throughout college for my grandparents, I felt the struggles that caregivers face, the lack of information available for caregivers, and the ridiculously extensive research process it takes when trying to find information (doctors, recommended medications, resources for us, etc). The goal of the site is to have all the essential information that caregivers could need all in one place, cutting the research time for caregivers. The site includes blogs geared toward adults and youth, an interactive game for children to play to learn how to handle common situations when taking care of a loved one, a list of numerous different medical professionals in the area, resources available for the actual caregivers (support groups, care services, etc.). The link listed above is the link to the prototype of the site. The goal is to have more information posted, and eventually get the site fully published.

This project was assigned my senior year, and the class task was for each student to create the packaging for a real or make believe product, using branding standards to stay true to the company's look. I chose to create a box for Mary Kay's "Mix and Match Set", which currently does not have a box of its own, only the boxes for the individual products that are in the bundle. I kept the look of Mary Kay's branding standards and packaging look, while also making it unique and calling it my own idea.

These images are infographics that I have created myself using Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, and have used for numerous different projects, including a capstone completed my sophomore year with three other Bellarmine students. This capstone was completed for Bellarmine's Brown Leadership Community, which is a learning community that is focused on making a change in the local community, and learning about common societal problems such as drug addiction, gang violence, homelessness, etc. We chose to work with Volunteers of America Mid-States for our capstone. The capstone project was a video showing who they are, how others can help, and what our group did for them throughout the semester. We were required to use photos that belonged to Volunteer's of America, and we were not allowed to have pictures of the children that were currently staying there. We were able to take our own photos, but it had to be at a time where no residents were around or would risk being in the shot.

This is one of my projects from my Web Art class. We were tasked with creating a one page site regarding a common issue that we face with the modern world and the technologies that surround it (featured here is a screenshot of the webpage). I chose to do my project on social media privacy, because as a communication major, I have done extensive research on how our privacy can be breached online. All media directly on this page is mine, and created by me. All of these pictures were drawn on my iPad, the video is my video I completed on social media privacy, the "learn more" links go to various websites that also enforce the importance of privacy online, and the background was created on Adobe Illustrator.
For one of my classes, we had to create an intro video that told an audience about who we are and what we want to achieve with our lives. I chose to take the "Draw My Life" route, since I love art and want to pursue an artistic career. The video was created and published in February of 2017 (was labeled as unlisted until recently), so some of the information such as parents' job titles, my personal experiences, and many more. I hope to recreate this video once I graduate and make it as up to date as possible to use for my job search.

This project was a website I created for my Web Art class my junior year. The assignment was to take a fairy tale/ myth/ story and create a modern version incorporating a modern issue in society (featured here are screenshots of the webpages). I chose to take the Wizard of Oz and give each of the characters a mental disorder based on the traits of the characters from the original movie. I chose to use the issue of mental illness because it is extremely shrugged off in today's society. While we are improving as a community, nation, and world with our treatments and reaction to mental disorders, we are still a good while away before the issue can be helped like a person with asthma or allergies. All images on these pages are mine, and were created by me through various programs on my computer and iPad.
This 16 minute video (filmed, produced & edited by me) was created as a final project for my Perspectives of Digital Media class. We were tasked with creating project (white-paper, video, website, etc.) that showcased a modern technological aspect in everyday life as technology advances. I chose to create a video on social media privacy, and chose to interview individuals in their 20s (college/ post college) and asked numerous questions related to social media, privacy, job searches, and other important questions related to this topic. It does a strong job of showing many perspectives and different ideas with how social media privacy is perceived and handled in our modern society.

During my junior year of college, I was Alpha Phi Omega's PR Chair, and was in charge of creating promotional materials for our rush week every semester. These images are the informational flyers handed out to potential new members regarding the details of rush, and the Facebook & Twitter cover photos for members to use on their personal profiles to promote our rush. All of these were designed by me, featuring Alpha Phi Omega's official logo. Different programs in the Adobe Suite were used to create these flyers and cover images

I have also done different projects for Alpha Phi Omega before and after having the PR Chair position. I was tasked with creating a geo-filter to use for our school's involvement fair and rush week to promote the fraternity. I also created an image to post on our social media accounts promoting all of our accounts. Lastly, I created a brochure and ticket for Alpha Phi Omega's Region V Conference that was hosted at Bellarmine University. The brochure highlighted the schedule of the three day conference, as well as informing readers, especially those visiting from out of town, of local restaurants and tourist spots to make the most of their visit to Louisville, KY.

While I was co-editor of The Lance, I was tasked with taking photos of different events on campus. These are some of my favorite candids and pictures from a few of our basketball games in the 2016-2017 season.